Inspiring confidence and ensuring data quality
Since 1977, environmental laboratories around the world have partnered with ERA to strengthen and simplify their quality assurance programs. With proficiency testing (PT) standards of impeccable quality, you can confidently make decisions based on ERA standards. Our industry-leading customer service, technical support, and PT data tools make it easier for you to find the products you need and solve any problems that you identify. And as a NELAC accredited PT provider, you can be certain of accurate and defensible data.
With an extensive product list in several categories, we can provide the perfect standards for your needs.
With an extensive product list in several categories, we can provide the perfect standards for your needs.

Quality Assurance Program to improve your analytical process
Analytical laboratories know that data quality is of the utmost importance. It’s the essence of what you do and the reason for what we do. Having appropriate quality control measures in place to verify the quality of your output and to deal with a range of variables increases your ability to meet regulatory needs and in turn, impact your laboratory’s revenue.
Discover more about how CRMs can add value to your Quality Assurance program.
Discover more about how CRMs can add value to your Quality Assurance program.
How healthy is your laboratory?
Health of Your Lab is a robust data tool within eDATA that captures and tracks your historical proficiency testing study results and serves as a convenient gateway for managing your laboratory’s health.
Learn more about the Health of Your Lab
Learn more about the Health of Your Lab